Home // Videos // Secret // They FOUND Our HOUSE! REBECCA Escaping after Secret Message from RZ Twin (New Disguise Reveal)

Rebecca Zamolo revealed her “New BEST FRIENDS SONG Reveals SECRET Hidden Cameras in HOUSE! (24 Hour Music Video Challenge)”, Matt and Rebecca posted “Trapped In Moving Truck For 24 Hours Challenge (Found Clues of Secret Date with Viral Life Hacks)”. The Real Game Master created “SWITCHING PLACES WITH RZ TWIN to solve Clues at Secret Meeting! (Using Hacks DIY Tricks Leap Year)” next Game Master incorporated posted “GOING UNDERCOVER IN DISGUISE TO A SECRET MEETING to Find Truth! (Using DIY Hacks and Tricks to Solve Clues),” now when Matt and Rebecca, Agent S, Zoe and Agent R come back to the House everything is destroyed. We now have limited time before anyone gets back so we must continue packing and clean up the mess so we can say goodbye to our apartment or house! Zoe hacks into the game master network and sees that a camera is still live. There might be a livestream of our home online in a vlog. Zoe and Agent R set up a trap with spy gadgets to protect us. Rebecca and Matt look at the other spy cameras to find clues. RZ twin left a code so Matt Facetimes on his iPhone 11 with his Mom using the decoder ring. It spells closet. Both agents are acting suspicious. Rebecca finds a secret hidden room inside her closet which. Whats inside are an iPad, a decoder ring and a treasure map. Rebecca’s fingerprints unlock the spy device and a message from RZ twin reveals not to trust anyone. Who is a double agent? Rebecca uses twin telepathy to decode the treasure map and it leads them to Scooby doo disguises and the start of the puzzle pieces. What will this reveal? When they almost figure it out Spies enter the house and it turns into a hide and seek chase. Will Rebecca Zamolo be safe after this or will Rebecca go missing? Thank you for watching my funny entertainment comedy vlog videos in 2020!

Watch my friend’s awesome videos:

Norris Nuts |  NEW HOUSE? SHOULD WE MOVE HOUSE NOW? https://youtu.be/IZr-idSLXHw

Morgz | I Tested VIRAL TikTok Food Hacks… **INCREDIBLE** https://youtu.be/fhCNvpFe3n8

Labrant Fam | My Pregnant Wife Had No Idea I Was Surprising Her With This For Her Birthday… https://youtu.be/BH6rcRJjslc

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▶ Get ZamFam merch! http://www.rebeccazamolo.com

Find Rebecca Zamolo!
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See the Challenge Video Published 2020-02-27 21:03:26


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