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The Gamemaster Network //  LATEST VIDEO & QUIZ

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    Today, Rebecca and Matt play the last to leave challenge on their roof against her best friend Alice. If Matt or Rebecca win they get to see what’s in...

The Gamemaster Network //  Game Master Spy Detectives

The Gamemaster Network // RECENT QUIZZES

The game master warned us about this. Rebecca sees them go into best buy and they pick up several toys. They purchase the toys and the quadrant leav...Read more

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After Rebecca Zamolo completed Ninja training for a battle royale on their roof Matt and Rebecca along with Daniel recovered from Matt tricking them into thinking he lost his memory for 24 hours.

The Game Master said the hackers would be doing the exchange on our roof and we needed to be ready for a battle royale. We sneak outside and spy on f...Read more

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She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

They tried feeding him his favorite food and Matt tried to escape the house. Then they played fortnite and did the dance challenge with the floss. Ma...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

They no longer have any spy gadgets or ninja gadgets after the EMP so they must only use their ninja skills. He tries to warn his friends but his t...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

Daniel found that they could go to other locations within the radius of the exchange point. They went to McDonald's, Taco Bell and a donut shop but...Read more

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She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

They use their spy ninja skills to hide and seek in the wilderness and find the best hiding spot. We learn information that the drop off will happe...Read more

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She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

Daniel was able to intercept information that we need to play hide and seek while searching for information hidden in a locker in the safe house. W...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

Daniel tries to solve the clues but needs more time. Daniel tries to hack into the quadrant system but is unable to complete the challenge. Daniel ...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

They follow Matt to a flower shop and Rebecca sees her husband buy flowers for a mysterious person. Is he cheating on her? They lose the tracking d...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.

If Daniel wins he will buy spy gadgets and if Matt does he will give it to his best friend. Daniel can't find his voice changer spy gadget it is mis...Read more

Take The Quiz

She tries to facetime and they have to meet up later. Can they stop e3 and clue in real life or a will they get into a battle royale.



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